Christmas Letter, 1988

Dear Loved Ones near and far.

It’s the magical, marvelous, miraculous time of the year again and I love it. In spite of my white hair, wrinkles, and a physical slow-down, I’m the biggest kid of all at Christmas. I just wish they wouldn’t put all the decorations up and the merchandise on display the day after Halloween. Nevertheless, the magic is always there for me.

As for the year 1988! The biggest news from my family is TRIPLETS! They were born to my grandson, David and his wife, Lari in Denver on the 23rd of April. Lari was in the hospital for a month trying to keep them from being born, but at about 6 1/2 months of her pregnancy they couldn’t wait any longer to enter this so-called ’veil of tears.’ I saw them when they were about three days old…little wizened up, skinny babies the size of our hands. Paige, the largest, weighed 2 lb. 6 oz. Then Clifford 2 lb. 4 oz. And our darling little Sierra, 1 lb 14 oz. The care at the hospital was wonderful and those babies survived. Each day Lari used a ’milking machine’ and carried her milk to the hospital and talked to them and loved them. They were in the hospital for months but one by one they came home. Now they are fat, smiling, going wonderful babies. They were here for Thanksgiving and what a joy! My other two great-grandchildren are doing fine. Little Kimberly in Orem is taking her first steps and I feel fortunate to have her and her older sister and brother so close. Unfortunately the other new one is in Iowa but they are coming to California for Christmas so I’ll see little Lucas as well as his brother Sean Patrick and Mom and Dad.

Also, along about last April my usual wonderful health and energy got a blow when on a routine examination a doctor decided I had heart problems. It turned out that my heart is fine but ‘dat ol’ Debil’ cholesterol clobbered my arteries so it’s been chicken, fish, fruits, vegetables and good old Oat Bran, etc. But it’s paying off because as of last blood teat my cholesterol was only a few points above normal. For a time my legendary energy took a blow and while I didn’t slow down very much, I just pushed myself to get anything done. Gradually, I’m getting back to feeling great. Darn, I’ll have to stop talking about my operation. Actually, I’ve never even had my tonsils out but would an angiogram do for conversation’s sake?

The year was pretty uneventful for me. No overseas trips, nothing too exciting to write about except several trips to Colorado, and several more to California; where I’ll be for Christmas. However, in September or so I finagled the Provo Tabernacle for the Nativity Scene sponsored by the Women’s Division of the Chamber of Commerce, which has been presented each year in the City Hall after the parade and turning on the thousands of little lights that made downtown Provo a fairyland at Christmas. So much work went into the Nativity and could only be seen by about 200 people, so this year it was moved to the Tabernacle and other performances added to it. You know how it is…if you suggest something you get made chairman. But, it was a real challenge. We started with ‘ Hanging of the Green’ in which two groups hung the place with beautiful greenery right in front of the audience’s eyes as the audience sang carols. Followed by a 75 voice ‘Children’s Heavenly Choir’ in white robes with silver tinsel halos and belts. The beautiful Ralph Woodward Chorale sang accompanying the Nativity which was beautiful. Other choruses also sang. Everyone said it was a great success, but I saw all the mistakes, the in general felt good about it.

My family members are all chugging along. Linda still writing music and also helping my son, Steve with his overwhelmingly large business. Joan is teaching full time with a small class of children with learning disabilities. She is also doing graduate work at Cal State Pomona evenings besides taking care of five boys still at home along with her husband. Marilyn had the lead in ‘42nd Street’ at the San Gabriel Theater and was a smash hit. I was amazed at how good the production was. Her two boys are at the Y. Kathy is a housewife in Orem, and Julie teaching school. Steve is still working his head off at the catering business. He and Cheryl have finally had their kitchen completely redone and continue to make their home a beautiful place. Their six girls are growing up…too fast.

And that’s 1988. Overall it been a good year. I hope it has been for every one of you.

HAPPY HOLIDAYS. With much love, Klea