Dear Ones Far and Near:
This year I decided not to send any Christmas cards or write a Christmas letter what with inflation, Watergate, the size of Nelson Rockefeller’s gifts, wars and rumors of wars, the price of sugar, and apathy rampant in the Land. Then I went through my Rolodex, and as I see your names, one by one I know the Season could not go by without wishing you a Merry Christmas and the joys of the Season. So, here’s how it’s been with me.
1974 was not quite as exciting for me as some previous years. Mostly it has flown past with the speed of lightning. I didn’t get back to Spencer, Idaho to dig for opals, but the ones from the year before are turning out beautiful. There are no new grandchildren to report, but I keep hoping. However, all my family are doing well. They are in good health and this is something to be grateful for. I have three grandchildren in high school, with Linda’s Kent graduating in the Spring.
My biggest adventure this year was a day trip to England in May. Four of us from Provo and my sister Donna from California drove to Chicago to catch a charter flight that was arranged by Linda’s husband, Richard. His orchestra flew over to attend concerts in London and there some extra seats so we took them. The time was all too short and England was so beautiful in May that they almost had to drag me to the returning plane, bit I hope to go back before too long. My friend, Vic, went to his homeland, Denmark, and the other four of us got Britrail passes and jumped on trains day and night that took us north to the Lake Country of England, on to Beautiful Edinburgh, Scotland, then back down the West coast where we took a boat for Ireland.
Ireland is so beautiful and the people friendly and helpful. We regretted so much the signs of the religious war there. We stayed one night in a castle which was one of the highlights of Ireland. From Dublin, we took another boat to Wales and on to the South of England and across to the Isle of
Wight, which was a delight. (no poetry intended) All eight days were beautiful. After arriving back in Chicago we drove to Nauvoo and then to Independence and other historical Church sites, and then home.
Later on in the summer, Marilyn and Joan and their families came up in their (Christensen’s) big motor home we took a weekend trip to Colorado. The mountains there are beautiful and we had a good time visiting friends and relatives. I took the grandchildren to Redmesa, where I was born and they were fascinated with my tales of long ago childhood. All the family urged me to begin writing my history and don’t want me to wait until I retire. So, just a week ago I bought a wonderful ‘like new’ IBM typewriter at a surplus sale on campus, so I’m all set to begin.
Next September I retire and then I can get with that typewrite and begin finishing all the writing I have put off for years. I shall also travel and hope to be able to drop in and say ‘hi’ to some of you that I don’t often see.
As of now I am busy night and day here at the Y trying to make the most of my last year. People ask me how I feel about retiring and my answer is that I have mixed feelings. I shall miss the students and their many activities, but I have so many fascinating projects writing for me like refinishing antiques, rock hunting, traveling, etc., that I don’t have time for now, that I feel life will still be exciting and rewarding.
There is much I am thankful for this Christmas. I am very blessed. I hope this finds you enjoying this Blessed Season. Love, Klea