I look forward to the cold wintry days of January when I couldn’t work out in the garden to get caught up on many indoor activities like sorting and cleaning closets and drawers, finishing my history, etc. But, as it turned out, the month is gone and I was either sick or had company every single day of the month of January 1990.

Michelle Worsley and Lance Rich were married in the Los Angeles Temple on January 7th and I stayed in California for that. It was a beautiful wedding and the reception in Steve’s The Grand, beautiful reception center, was one of his marvelous productions of decorations, food, entertainment, etc. Except that Michelle got very sick to her stomach about the time the reception was to begin, so there was no reception line and everyone ate an excellent dinner and she finally appeared in time for the program. But, I guess we can use the old line, ‘Alls well that ends well.’

The day before I left for Provo, I got to go to the dinner theater where Marilyn played Golde in Fiddler on the Roof and it was excellently done and Marilyn was great. The next morning it was back to Provo, but I did get down again three months later when ’Fiddler’ closed and saw a much improved show.

The rest of Spring was uneventful until mid-summer when many of the family came for one reason or another. Cheryl and family came up for the girls to go to various ’weeks’ at BYU and then she decided to stay for Education Week, which she enjoyed very much. Cheryl is still struggling with some of the residue from her fall in the deJong Concert Hall the year before. But, she appeared at the first of each of Janie’s show and gave the opening prayer the last night. Everyone was so interested in knowing how she was getting along and was amazed at how well she was doing.

Fall was busy with the Women’s Division of the Chamber of Commerce “Aura of Autumn: luncheon, which I helped with, and after that was over in October it was time to start on the big Christmas program at the Tabernacle the day after Thanksgiving. I began having meeting with the committee and things were moving along and then the most startling news of the year came to me.